Cornel Bodea physiotherapist
Zoltánné Dávid physiotherapy assistant
Orsolya Király physiotherapist
Noémi Kincső Dormány physiotherapist
dr. Márta Egriné Illés special assistant
Dr. Hantosné Dr. Andrea Kulcsár medical rehabilitation (infant and pediatrician) specialist (infant and pediatrician specialist)
Ágnes Bagi physiotherapist
Mária Kosztinné Timár physiotherapist assistant
Dr. Kovácsné Dr. Éva Anna Szabó rehabilitational specialist
Ágnes Kovács physiotherapist
Edina Kozma-Lovász physiotherapist
Katalin Kónyáné Balabás physiotherapist
Judit Katalin Nagyné Balogh assistant
Dóra Németh physiotherapist
Kristóf Paládi physiotherapist