Calcium Homeostasis Research Group

We study regulatory molecules and mechanisms involved in the structural and functional properties of skeletal muscle, and also in muscle regeneration. We use a wide scale of experimental techniques from molecular biology to functional electrophysiological measurements. In the framework of NKFIH- supported project in 01/11/2021.-31/10/2025. period we are mainly focusing on the role of cytoskeletal Septin7 protein in skeletal muscle physiology.

Group leader:
Prof. Dr. László Csernoch

Főállású kutatók:a
Dr. Beatrix Dienes
Dr. János Fodor
Dr. Mónika Szentandrássyné Dr. Gönczi
Dr. Péter Szentesi
Dr. Mónika Sztretye
Dr. Andrea Telek-Haberberger

PhD students:
Áron Gere
Nyamkhuu Ganbat
Zoltán Singlár
Ivett Szabó


Judit Reményi-Puskár
Anita Szabóné Jeney

Associated researchers:
Dr. Eliza Guti
Dr. Zsuzsanna Magyar
László Szabó



Last update: 2024. 03. 19. 11:28